proposed Bylaws Chapter 17 from the BOD.

Approved by Bylaws Committee 11/29/2014                                                         Recommended By VVA#17 Board of Directors 12/02/2014



This body shall be known as the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 17, Inc.

 Per National Constitution.   (Article I, section 2) (Articles of Incorporation Article II)
ARTICLE III -  Membership
Refer to National Constitution (Article I Section 3 & Article III section 3)

ARTICLE IV- Executive Officers and Board Members
(Art. III, Sec. 5)

Section1. Executive Officers (Art. III, Sec. 6)

The executive officers of Chapter 17 shall be a President,  1st Vice President, 
2nd Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Sergeant-at-Arms.

The Executive Officers will perform their duties as described in the National Constitution.

The Sergeant-at- Arms: Shall have the authority to maintain order at all functions of the Chapter. The Sergeant-at-Arms will have the power to remove any and all members or guests that cause disruption of any event or meeting. The Sergeant-at- Arms shall perform such other duties as the Board of Directors may from time to time prescribe.

Section 2.  Term of Office
(Art. III, Sec. 4, B)
A.  The term of office of the Executive Officers and the Board of Directors of the Chapter shall be two (2) years.

Not Voted on as of 12/02/2014

Approved by Bylaws Committee 11/29/2014  
Recommended By VVA#17 Board of Directors 12/02/2014

ARTICLE V – Meetings
(Art. III Sec.4)
A. General membership meetings shall be held on the second Saturday of the
month unless prior written notice of not less than ten (10) days is given or unless changed by a vote of the general membership. 

B. Board of Directors meetings shall be held on the Tuesday before the General meeting.
Unless prior written notice of not less than ten (10) days is given or unless changed by a vote of the Board of Directors. 

C.  All meetings will be held at the Chapter 17 Hall located at 6424 W Cheyenne Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89108 unless prior written notice of,ten (10) days is given.

D. A quorum for the general meeting shall be 10 percent of the total membership not excluding the Executive Officers.   (Roll call plus sign in sheet)

ARTICLE VI- Board of Directors

Per National Constitution (Article III, Sec. 5)

ARTICLE VII- Committees

Section 1.  Election Committee - Per National Constitution – (Art. III, Sec. 7, )

ARTICLE VIII – Elections
(Art. II Sec.4)
A general election shall be held every two (2) years at the regularly scheduled meeting during the month of April (Annual Meeting) in the even years.  

Candidates running for the position of President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President or Treasurer shall meet the following requirements:
1. Must be a member in good standing of Chapter 17,
2. Must have been a member of the Board of Directors of Chapter17 for two
    Years of the four years prior to the time of the election.

Not Voted on as of 12/02/2014

Approved by Bylaws Committee 11/29/2014  
Recommended By VVA#17 Board of Directors 12/02/2014

Candidates running for a Secretary and Sergeant of Arms shall meet the following requirements:
          1.  Must be a member in good standing of Chapter 17,
          2.  Must be an active member of Chapter 17 for at least two years prior to the

Candidates running for a Board of Directors position shall meet the following requirements:
          1.  Must be a member in good standing of Chapter 17,
          2.  Must be an active member of Chapter 17 for at least one year prior to the
          Persons nominated from the floor are subject to the requirements set forth above.
Any persons appointed to unfilled positions must meet the above requirements.                             
                                                  Article IX - Business

A. All business of a financial nature must be presented to the Finance Committee for its recommendation prior to being presented to the Board of Directors.

B.  All normal business must be brought before the Board of Directors and voted upon prior to being presented at a general meeting. 

C. The business of an urgent nature that has come to the attention of the Chapter 17
That cannot wait until a Board of Directors meeting may be acted upon:

1. By a phone vote of the Board of Directors or

2. At the next general meeting without prior Board action except those matters involving non-emergency expenditures.


Not Voted on as of 12/02/2014

Approved by Bylaws Committee 11/29/2014  
Recommended By VVA#17 Board of Directors 12/02/2014

ARTICLE X - Finance

Section 1.  Checking and/or Savings, Accountants

The President, 1st Vice President, Treasurer and Assistant Treasure shall be authorized to sign checks and transfer monies.  Two (2) signatures shall be required on all checks.  Officers authorized to sign checks and transfer monies shall be required to obtain a surety bond at Chapter expense.  All requests for disbursement of funds must be voted on by the general membership, after prior approval from the Board of Directors.  Normal operating expenses such as mortgage, utilities, taxes, governmental fees, ongoing grants and budgeted expenses are exempt from these voting requirements.

Section 2.  Discretionary Funds

The President shall have the authority to spend $50.00 per month without prior approval from the  Board of Directors and general membership for such items necessary for the benefit of the Chapter.  This monthly amount is not cumulative.

ARTICLE XI - Amendments to the Bylaws
(Roberts - Chapter XVIII Sec.56, page 580 line25)

These bylaws may be amended in accordance with the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, being read  entirely at two (2) consecutive general meetings and ratified by a 2/3 vote of the members present at the second meeting.

Not Voted on as of 12/02/2014


Chapter # 17 Definitions

There are terms used concerning members and the Chapter that has no definitions in
The National Constitution and Bylaws or Chapter Bylaws. For the purpose of
Chapter #17 only we will use the following definitions:

A.   Member in Good Standing – A member of Chapter 17 that is current in their dues and appears on the latest Chapter 17 membership roster received from the National
Membership Committee.   (Passed November 8th, 2014)

   B. Active Member –  An “Active Member” is one who has attended at least three       quarters (9) of the Regular General Membership Meetings in the year prior to the           election or appointment to a Board of Directors position or Committee Chair Position as documented by the “Sign In” sheet. (Passed December 6th, 2014)
C. The business of an urgent nature – A matter brought to the attention of the Chapter that  if not acted on immediately would have a detrimental effect on the Chapter, A Veteran or his/her family. (Passed December 6th, 2014)

“Active Member” and “Business of an urgent nature”, were approved by the Bylaws  Committee on 11/29/2014.

Note: When someone calls a “Point of Order” they should be able to reference “The Point” by using the Articles of Incorporation, National Constitution, Chapter17 Bylaws and/or Roberts Rules of Order.

Respectfully Submitted

George B. Haussmann
Bylaws Committee Chair

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